Every now and again you stumble across something on the interwebs that catches you. Leaves an impression. Strikes a chord. Everything about this feature piece below - the story of Joe and his story. His family, his pictures, his values, his book.. This has me tearing up (me, the non crier!). Because his message is SO spot on. Watch it. Immediately please, and I dare you not to cry when this beautiful 95 year old grandfather tears up re-reading his book's closing message. It makes me shout all of the yesssssses and makes my heart burst with the desire to share people's stories. To be so blessed that my "job" allows me to play a part in capturing memories for families. It's the biggest honour to think that these photos will live on and belong in lasting legacies. Be handed down through generations.
It's so clear and simple… take photos, write thoughts. In this digital age we have no problem doing both these things with smart phones and devices constantly on hand. But PRINT, print these photos and compile these thoughts together in a physical form, because digital is constantly changing, developing, becoming bigger and better. But! What will happen to these files - pictures and documents - if we don't make something physical of them? They could be lost. Is that a gamble you're willing to take?
Make a book, make an album, fill a box. It doesn't have to be fancy, it's the thought that goes into it and that physical creation to pass on to your family and friends that counts. As Joe says "I'm not leaving my kids much money, very little.. but I'm leaving them with memories, with pictures, with letters, with stories that they've heard about. You can't put a price on that. It's very meaningful."
Is there really anything more important? I will never tire of looking through my own grandparents tin of photos, my parents wedding book, the library of albums they've compiled of us over the years. It inspires me and drives me to continue to do the same.
This video was beautifully put together by Artifact Uprising/Boyte Creative, and I'm so grateful to have come across it, for me this message wins the internet, today, tomorrow and always.